Windwalker Farms is different from your typical horseback riding facility. We focus on teaching our students how horses perceive the world with their prey-animal mentality through education and adventure! It is our job as horsemen to meet horses where they are and communicate with them in a way that makes sense to them; instead of forcing horses to learn the way humans do, it's our job to understand how they learn and view the world. It is our mission at Windwalker Farms to bridge the gap between horses and people. We strive to teach our students the language of the horse and how to effectively communicate with them. With effective communication comes a very willing horse, the horse-and-rider relationship that everyone dreams about when they begin riding. Our focus is not on speed or winning flashy ribbons, we want you to learn your horse's mind, and once you’ve done that, the sky’s the limit on what you and your horse can do.
Tim Scarberry, owner of Windwalker Farms and founder of the Windwalker Farms Partnership Assurance Program was born with a love for horses as are many children. Fortunately for Tim horses have always been available to him on his family’s farm. Many children are not afforded this opportunity. Tim spent some of his younger years riding and working with horses. He spent a lot of time at rodeos, horse shows, and expos. He enjoyed this time with the horses but his abilities were mediocre at best. The horses he trained ended up with average training. In the late 1990s, Tim had the chance to watch Monty Roberts discuss natural horsemanship. Listening to him explain the horse' language along with pointing out how to use your eye contact and body language to interact with horses created a new passion for Tim which turned out to be an all-out obsession. His results began to improve and with time he was able to develop his timing and feel with horses. At this time Tim began to help local horse owners understand this language and develop a better partnership with their horses. This began the start of Windwalker Farms. During this journey, Tim had no idea God was using horses to get his attention. With time the Lord has changed Tim’s ways of being selfish, competitive, and coarse. Although he was becoming successful with horses he wasn’t with people. Upon realizing just how much grace and mercy Tim himself needs, he knew he needed to share his program with anyone interested. Tim uses positive reinforcement, encouraging words, and a simple step-by-step breakdown of his program to teach students. Nothing brings more satisfaction than watching people gain confidence and become successful with horses.
Fast forward 20 years and although we still help many horse owners, we now have a real passion for introducing non-horse people to the joy and adventure that only horses can provide. The Windwalker Farms Partnership Assurance Program requires no horse experience. Just a passion for horses!
Tristan Scarberry, co-owner of Windwalker Farms and founder of the Windwalker Farms Lesson Program has had a passion for horses since she was a little girl. From Kindergarten through the beginning of high school, she had her mind set on becoming a vet specializing in horses, but then found her true passion for teaching; both horses and people. Growing up Tristan was homeschooled from 3rd grade on, she comes from a family of 8 that adopted and fostered children. She was blessed to grow up with a large array of animals ranging from parrots and dogs to goats and a miniature donkey. Tristan has always had a passion for the outdoors, health/fitness, small businesses, and of course horses! She has always been energetic, on-the-go and horses have played a huge role in managing her ADHD. Although the struggle is real, pausing and finding moments to breathe and be in the moment is so important, horses thrive on this, giving meaning and making an activity out of being as soft and in the moment as possible. Her favorite part about working with horses is helping young uneducated horses gain the confidence and education needed for our students to safely enjoy them. Tristan loves using the horses that God has blessed us with to help students grow in their horse abilities and personal growth. Horses are amazing teachers to those that are passionate about them. Horses teach people of all ages and abilities how to have calm communication, responsibility, confidence, live in the present moment, self-reflection, and articulate calmly but firmly without anger. We’ve been successful in developing horse skills in a large age range. From young children just starting out to helping retired people who have always wanted a horse to become first-time horse owners. We are here to help so please contact us by email or phone. We look forward to sharing our passion for horses with you!
We own 51 acres in Fenton, Michigan that we utilize for trail rides and lessons. Our property has miles of flat trails for a relaxing ride, and also numerous hills of all sizes and experience levels for those looking for some adventure. We also have a heated indoor round pen, heated lounge, indoor riding arena, outdoor riding arena, and obstacle course.
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Every [great] horseman if asked about their favorite horse I believe would instantly have an answer. For me that will always be Top Secret. God used him to change my life in so many ways. I had little ability and limited understanding when I met him. I recognized immediately that he was special and purchased him on the spot with an agreement that I could delay bring him home for 6 weeks. Which led to his name because I'd promised not to buy anything extra on my trip. Not being able to to contain my excitement I call a buddy and told him of the special colt. During our conversation I mentioned the he was Top Secret until I smoothed things over at home. When I picked him up he was about 16 months old still living with his mother having never been touched by anyone. We loaded her and he went along. We separated them and headed north. Brought him home and began to work with him ( I now believe way to early ) every day he would amaze me with how quickly he would learn and accept all of the crazy things I introduced him to. The first time I asked him to load into the trailer in hand I simply allowed him to investigate it for a couple of minutes and he just walked in with me. The first time I rode him he bucked one jump and went right into a very smooth gait and has never faltered. I thought it would be cool to carry a flag on him which took only minutes. Standing up on his back interested me so I showed him what to expect, he understood from that day on and I've done it hundreds of times in a variety on venues. Riding and cracking a whip was next, only took one session and we've never looked back. His uncanny ability to navigate obstacles is unbelievable, his mind is amazing. His four and five year old year he won many judged trail/competitions in Michigan. Our first major competition was the kmsha/smsha grand championship in Lexington although he never has a bad day he was absolutely perfect that day. He carried me both on his back and through my learning process. He is so intelligent that it made learning natural horsemanship easy and fun because of the speed we breezed through the material. Fast forward almost 17 years we've taken this silly little adventure and now offer it to anyone with a passion for horses. I don't believe I would have done any of it without him. He will always have my utmost respect and gratitude.
As a result of having this amazing horse we were always ready to perform at a moments notice. Over the years the two of us were invited to hold natural horsemanship seminars at the Kentucky Horse Park, a venue that I have always held in high regard in the horse world. TWHBEA had us come speak to the youth during their celebration that happens every year in Shelbyville TN. I received a phone call one day, and the lady on the line needed a horse to perform on a movie set. She had a last minute cancellation and someone told her about us. We showed up a few days later and it went so well that they had us back four times with not only Top Secret but three more of our horses. I received another call, this time a lady was looking for a horse to surprise a little girl with a party. Her birthday was a few months after losing her dad, a police officer in the line of duty. We were all happy to help! Since then 100s of children have spent time with Top Secret at hospitals, schools, and churches. He and I have been interviewed on the Ask Dr. Nandi show about alternative therapy. By the end of the segment the dr was sitting on Top Secret in the television studio. The Lord certainly sent opportunity after opportunity our way. Thankfully when those incredible opportunities presented themselves I had a horse that had my full confidence allowing us to knock it out of the park over and over again. In 2011 while performing at a horse expo I noticed something was off with him. Couldn't put my finger on it but just saw something. I asked him to do some light ground work and he cooperated fully. I decided to go forward with the demonstration since I wouldn't be riding him. A few minutes into the desenzitizing he wanted to lay down. I told him not now. A minute later his body language showed that he wanted to lay down again. Part of being a good horseman is recognizing their needs so I explained to the audience the long time in the trailer and I'd just let him roll and we'd continue. As soon as he started to lay down he just fell out. I knew something serious was wrong. A vet was called in and he couldn't be certain what was happening but deemed it a dire situation. He called ahead to MSU's animal hospital and let them know we were coming I loaded him up and was off. After a thorough examination at state they determined that he had ruptured his spleen which in the case of a horse is serious. Prognosis was grim but praise God the treatment worked and after about 90 days he was 100%. Several months later I got a call from a lady who was the vet tech the night I brought him in. She wanted to have me explain my program to her so we spent some time going over what we do and why. At the end of the call she asked me if I wondered why she called me. I said that Top Secret I'm sure was so pleasant to be around, she agreed but said that wasnt it. She asked me if I remembered during his examination at one point he started to buckle and was about to lose his rear end and go down in the examination stocks. I told her that I did. During the exam I was standing about 10 or 12 feet away against the wall as he started to buckle I stepped forward a step and said "stand up son" he instantly did and the dr was able to finish. She told me she'd never seen anything like it. He was literally bleeding to death internally and with what could have been his last few breaths I expected him to do his job and more importantly he listened. That was the type of relationship that she was looking for. I'm sure there are lots of stuff I'm forgetting. I just want people to know what a blessing its been to have spent these years with this special horse. I've said it already but its worth repeating I really don't believe Windwalker Farms would have ever existed without him. He is the best I’ve ever seen. An incredible honor and a privilege to have had him as my partner and one of my best friends.
-Tim Scarberry